Are You Daynightmaring?

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Are You Daynightmaring?

Are You Daynightmaring?

It seems that most of us know what daydreaming is, but it occurred to me recently that I people notice people with anxiety daynightmare more than they daydream. How much time do you spend during the day worrying about how things will go badly?? This is what anxiety does to us. I have mentioned before that anxiety is a liar that predicts doom. Most of our anxiety comes from the negative fantasizing we do about events to come. What would it be like to picture events turning out well? Are you familiar with the phrase worrying is like praying for what you don’t want? The truth is our thoughts have energy. If you find yourself daynightmaring, see if you can catch yourself and imagine a positive outcome instead. Convert your anxiety from a predictor of doom to a mental vision board that creates success in your future rather than failure.