The coronavirus pandemic is affecting our everyday lives, and with things changing so quickly the stress of it all may feel overwhelming. Fear and anxiety about our health, finances, kids being home from school, caring for our elderly loved ones and social distancing can...
Stop the negative self talk. Sometimes I find myself saying things to myself that if a friend said to me I would probably throw them out of my house. I’ve learned to be much nicer to myself. I search...
Are You Daynightmaring? It seems that most of us know what daydreaming is, but it occurred to me recently that I people notice people with anxiety daynightmare more than they daydream. How much time do you spend during the...
The Frontal Cortex is an Ego-Maniac Our immense frontal cortex is what separates us from other animals, but is it able to soothe our inner savage beasts? The frontal cortex makes up a very small part of our brains...
Don’t Scratch Your Head to Stop Your Foot from Itching I have mentioned “coming to your senses” to stop your anxiety before, but why is it easier to smell something to calm down, than to try to “think your...
Anxiety is a Liar That Predicts Doom When we are experiencing anxiety, it’s most often about something that is in the future and hasn’t happened yet. When you are experiencing anxiety, take a look around the room you are...
COME TO YOUR SENSES All my life I’ve heard the phrase “come to your senses.” It wasn’t until I worked regularly with anxiety that I realized the phrase is quite literal. Anxiety exists mostly in our heads and subsequently...